ISM 4me

Manage your service delivery and compliancy with ISM and 4me

Need more control and compliance? Struggling with flexibility and efficiency?

With the ISM method, your organisation will get IT services fully and easily under control. It not only puts all work processes and collaboration agreements in order, it also ensures an agile and lean working method. Moreover, ISM allows you to easily meet compliance and security requirements. And all in an effective, compact and relatively simple way that is, above all, very applicable.

During this workshop, we’re honoured to welcome Wim Hoving as our special guest. With more than 20 years of experience in introducing and applying process-based working, Wim is the inspiration behind ISM and he can tell you all about the power of this method. Furthermore, Joost van Iersel will explain why the service management platform 4me is a perfect match for ISM and how the combination of ISM and 4me ensures better service and more compliancy.

Topics covered:

  • The added value of ISM for any organisation.
  • ISM and 4me
  • Live demo

Download here the slide deck of the workshop

Useful link: ISM portal

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