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What is a service request catalog ?


A service request catalog is a list of pre-approved service requests that are available to customers or users within an organisation. These service requests may include requests for new services, changes to existing services, or requests for information about services.

The purpose of a service request catalog is to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the service requests that are available to customers or users, and to make it easy for them to request the services they need. It helps to streamline the process of requesting services and to ensure that requests are handled efficiently and effectively.

The difference between a service catalog and a service request catalog

The difference between a service catalog and a service request catalog is that a service catalog lists the services that are available, while a service request catalog lists the types of requests that can be made for those services. A service catalog provides information about the services that are available, while a service request catalog provides a way for customers or users to request those services.

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